
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Changes and Updates to PBP and Stepping into CI

Hello all!

I just wanted to document a few quick, but important changes to our websites:

  1. Contact Us is no longer located on the PBP blog (this site), but rather on the homepage of
  2. Links have been updated on the PBP blog (see page above). 
  3. Our Products page has moved to the Stepping into CI website! On this page you'll find
    1. information on all our currently published books
    2. options to shop by title or series
    3. a link to purchase order forms
    4. links to the Amazon pages for each product
    5. links to any free resources we offer for each product
  4. Our next Latin Radio Project is on its way out! Facies Mirabilis is currently in the publishing phase. Episode 1 is available for free and episode 2 is already published to our subscription service. 
  5. We've added a NEW resource for beginning CI teachers! Check out this work in progress here and let us know if we've missed anything!
Additionally, we are hearing your comments and working on ways to:
  • download audio (for our novellas or the Latin radio project)
  • publish our podcast on a popular podcast app
Finally, NEW books are coming soon! 
  • magus mirabilis in Oz (adapted and translated by Miriam Patrick)
  • Medea: fabula amoris (written and illustrated by Miriam Patrick)
  • Echo: fabula amoris (written by Rachel Ash)
  • Itinera Petri Book II (currently in writing process by Bob Patrick)

Thank you ALL for your support over this time! 

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