
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Blogs I Follow

This is just a quick post to gather a list of some of my favorite blogs.  This is by no means comprehensive, but I tried to choose some blogs that have given me much to ponder, items to use in my classroom, and tend to post regularly.

So, in the hopes of boosting readership for the amazing bloggers below and also of helping others find blogs that can help them gain great ideas and insight, here are some of the blogs I follow closely:

General Education Blogs

Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension is Pernille Ripp's insightful and out-of-the-box thoughts on teaching her grade school classes.  Even though I have never taught anyone younger than 13, I still find a lot to think about when I read her blog.
Crazy Teaching focuses mostly on the flipped classroom, what that means, and breaking the rules of traditional education.
The Innovative Educator is actually a homeschooling blog, but she offers not only great ideas for innovative classroom teaching but is also tuned in to politics and testing issues, so if you are interested in those things, you can find writing on them here.
The Nerdy Teacher is creative and often incorporates technology into his teaching.  To the point I debated whether he belonged in the category below.

Technology Related

Educational Technology Guy is great about just offer gobs and gobs of new technology, quick reviews, and some shortly-described educational uses.
Hack Education is one of the first educational blogs I started reading and I gladly recommend reading Audrey Watters' blog.  She offers deep insight into the technology trends in education.


The Everyday Language Learner is a great place to go to see new technology, new thoughts, and new approaches to language learning (which I can then turn towards language teaching!).

Latin and Comprehensible Input

Todally Comprehensible Latin is a new blog by Keith Toda (@keithtoda) and is following his exploration into a Latin class based solely on comprehensible input.  A great read and already prolific.
Imparting Fluency is a great Latin blog by another comprehensible input Latinist, James Hosler.  He also incorporates videos of his teaching to help show his approaches in action.

Latin in General

in aversa charta is a blog that offers a wide sampling of writing in Latin over various topics and student-created stories.  Some stories are not perfectly school-appropriate, so definitely pre-read anything you decide to use in your class.
Techna Virumque Cano is a blog by one of the creators of Operation LAPIS, a game-based method for teaching Latin.  Very interesting stuff here.